
Eighteenth Annual Reunion
Survivors of the Seventy-Third Regiment, Illinois Volunteer Infantry
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- Minutes of Proceedings
of the
Eighteenth Annual Reunion
of the
Illinois Volunteer Infantry.
Afternoon and Evening,
Tuesday, October 4, 1904
G.A.R. Hall, Old Capitol Building, Springfield, Illinois.
Survivors Seventy-Third Regiment
Illinois Volunteer Infantry.
Officers for 1904-5
Giles H. Penstone,
..Pittsfield, Ill.
W. H. Newlin,
..Springfield, Ill.
D. R. Gooch,
..Belflour, Ill.
..Secretary and Treasurer
T. J. Underwood,
..Springfield, Ill.
Kate Newlin,
..Springfield, Ill.
The Reunion of 1905 Will be at Springfield, Illinois
Notice of which will be Given by the Secretary
Special Notice.
- I earnestly request a revised list of names of all members of each company down to date. The list needs revising at least once a year. Members moving should send us their new post office address. To be an effective organization it is essential that we keep in touch with each other. Every comrade in the regiment who knows of the death or removal of a member, should notify the Secretary at once. Don't defer this to some other time, but act when you read this notice. If you want our Association to live and prosper, which of course you do, do not forget these very essential points.
D. R. Gooch,
Secretary Survivors 73rd Ill. Vol. Inf. Association,
Belflour, Illinois.
of the
Eighteenth Annual Reunion
of the
Survivors of the Seventy-Third Regiment
Illinois Volunteer Infantry.
The Eighteenth Annual Reunion Association of the Survivors of the 73rd Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry was called to order at 10:30 o'clock Tuesday, October 4th, 1904 by the vice president, Comrade D. R. Gooch, in the G.A.R. hall in the Court House at Springfield, Illinois.
President:--The meeting will now come to order. Chaplain T. J. Underwood will please lead in prayer.
President:--The first business before the comrades will be the report of the Secretary and treasurer, G. H. Penstone.
Treasurer's Report.
Comrades: I have the honor to report the following statement as to the financial condition of this Association:
Sept. 1, 1903. Balance on hand
. $ 50 36
" 30, " Reunion at Springfield
...... 38 50
Received by letter
. ........................14 50
$103 36
Sept. 30, 1903. Janitor
.. ................$ 1 50
.................................. 10 00
Feb. 27, 1905. Printing Minutes and Circulars
... 33 50
.............................................. 2 00
............................................. 60
Sept. 1, Postal Cards and Printing
.................5 00
.. $52 60
Am't on hand this 1st day of September, 1904
... $50 76
Giles H. Penstone,
Treasurer of Association.
It was moved and seconded that the report of the treasurer be accepted as read. Motion carried.
President:--Next in order will be reading of letters from absent comrades. The Secretary then read the following letters:
St. Paul, Minn., October 1, 1904.
Giles H. Penstone, Sec'y.
Dear Comrade:--I had expected, until within a day or two, that affairs would be so shaped as to permit my attendance at the eighteenth annual reunion of the Survivors of the Seventy-Third Ill's. Vol. Infantry on the 4th inst. But I now find that I will not have that privilege greatly to my regret. I, therefore do the only thing remaining--convey through you, my fraternal greetings to the comrades assembled, and my best wishes for an enjoyable meeting, as well as for their continued health and happiness. It is now just forty-two years since we were a regiment, literally of the boys in blue, boys averaging about twenty years old, embarking nearly a thousand strong, on our first memorable campaign in Kentucky. That gallant band of youthful heroes never re-assembled in unbroken ranks, and never will, this side of the eternal camping grounds. Its patriotic members were left on many crimson battlefield; they passed onward through the portals of many weary hospitals; they fell out in hard marches and rose triumphant over the horrors of prison pens; they were mustered out after long and honorable careers in the cival life of many states and territories--some of them linger yet, miracles of mercy and of endurance. We, you who meet, and I with others who would gladly meet with you, are among those last named the surviving two hundred, perhaps, of the exultant, youthful thousand men of 1862. We survive, not because we are worthiest, but because we are most fortunate, most favored. The note of sadness in our song of rejoicing is drowned in the chorus of gratitude. We mourn for the heroes gone before but we unfeignedly rejoice that they did not die in vain. It is our high and precious privilege to have lived to verify in our own observation and experience, the unchallenged fact that the country is grander, that the world is brighter, that mankind is better, that the present is more glorious and the future infinitely more promising, because of the suffering and sacrifice of the soldiers of the union. My plans and arrangements are now such that, if my life is spared, I expect to attend our reunions more regular. Meantime, I shall always regret the occasions where I have been unable to do so--and none more so than the present one.
Fraternally yours,
Late Sergeant Major.
Quincy, Ill., Oct., 3, 1094.
Mr. Giles H. Penstone, Sec'y and Treas.,
Springfield, Ill.,
Dear Comrade:--I find it impossible for me to be present with the comrades of the 73rd Reg., Vol. Inf'ty. Please give my kind regards and respects to the comrades. Hoping you may all have a pleasant time and a good attendance, I am with respect,
Late Capt., Co. H., 73rd Reg. Inf't.
Washington, D. C., Sept., 22, 1904.
Giles H. Penstone, Esqr., Pittsfield, Ill.,
My Dear Sir:--I have your postal card of 14th, inst., relative to reunion of 73rd Ill. Inft., and I hand you herewith postal money order on Pittsfield, Ill., for one dollar for dues. You may send minutes of proceedings of the reunion to my address as given below. I remember with great pleasure the meeting in 1902, and will be glad when circumstances permit me to be with my father's old comrades. This year my time is so engrossed that I will have to deny myself the pleasure of being present at the reunion. Please present my kind regards to the surviving members of the noble 73rd.
Yours Truly,
Room 25 Astoria Flats, Washington, D. C.
Washington, D. C., September 29, 1904.
Giles H. Penstone, Sect. and Treas., Reunion of the Survivors of the 73rd Reg't Ill., Vol. Inft., Association,
My Dear Comrade:--I received a postal notifying me of the 18th annual Reunion of the Survivors of the 73rd Reg't. Ill., Vol., Inft. To be held at Springfield, Ill., Tuesday. Oct. 4th, 1904. I would like very much to be present on that occasion to touch elbows with my old comrades in one good and jolly love feast. I know I would enjoy it for the reason that I have been separated so long from the "old boys" Just think, we parted July 3rd, 1865, now 39 years ago and in all that time I have never met one of my Company and only three of the regiment. They were: Adjt. Randall, G. W. Patton and W. H. Newlin, and they were present in our city at the time of the G.A.R. encampment. Now you know I would enjoy it. Just think what I have missed in all that time. It has been my desire to meet with you but my health would not permit me to do so. So I can only wish you a happy time. My kind regards to all the comrades especially to Co. "E." If I could only write I would have plenty of subjects, but it is difficult for me to write. Comrade Penstone, you will find enclosed a "money order". I hope it will reach you in time. Remember me to all. I still remain your comrade in F.C. & L.,
821 North Capital St.,
P.S.--Please change my address to the above, and please tell the comrades to vote as they fought and to be a little careful and not to be outflanked.
On September 30, 1903, Thomas J. Cassidy sent a letter to the comrades telling them the reason of his absence. For some reason the letter failed to reach them and it was forwarded to Comrade Randall and as it contained a number of good things, it was read at this meeting.
Bloomington, Ill., Sept., 28, 1903.
Mr. G. H. Penstone, Comrade of 73rd Ill., Inf't, Springfield, Ill., It is with great regret that I cannot meet with you in our annual reunion. Circumstances over which I have no control prevents my presence in person. In heart and spirit I shall be with you. It would be a great pleasure to me to once more grasp the hand of my old comrades, who shared with me so many hardships incident to an active campaign before an enemy equally as courageous as ourselves. The survivors of the grand old 73rd are now so few in number that it seems to me we cannot all be together once more this side of the river that sooner or later we all have to cross. Comrades of the 73rd, possibly my absence will be a disappointment to you since I was elected to deliver the annual address. Had I known earlier that I could not be present, I would have put my speech in manuscript so it could have been read by the secretary. I had decided to deliver it orally and for a short time we would have lived our lives over again, on the front with the fun and hardships--for we had much of both. In the past, our addresses have had a great deal of history with the exploits of great men and what was accomplished by them or under their direction. My subject was: "The Man Behind the Gun." And included those who to-day are fighting so hard for a pension for themselves or for their families. Again asking that you pardon my absence, and hoping that you may have a good reunion and live to enjoy the one in 1904, I am yours in F.L. & T. THOMAS J. CASSADY. I suggest that Adj. Randall give the address. Enclosed please find one dollar dues. T.J.C.
It was moved and seconded that the reason stated in the letter be received as an excuse for the absence at the last meeting. Motion carried. The report of the committee called for. As there were no committees to report, it was moved that the meeting adjourn to meet at 2 o'clock in the G.A.R. room. Motion seconded and carried.